They can, but not always they do. One way or another, the owners always have the control over the IBC! Whether they also have a direct signatory right, depends on the internal structure of the IBC. The owners of the company may have direct signatory rights in the following cases: (A) if they are appointed as directors or officers (this can be done when there is no concern about confidentiality); (B) if a Power of Attorney or a Special Resolution assigning them signatory powers is issued by the offshore company. In (B), the beneficial owners can at will request such signatory rights be assigned to them. Again, there is more information on this subject in our Company Management section.
Important Update
Belize Office Closed
Fidelity Overseas Limited has ceased doing business in Belize. We no longer offer company/trust formation and management services in Belize. We have surrendered our registered agent licenses in Belize.