Yes, there are. We will usually refuse to register an offshore company for any types of multi-level marketing scheme operators. We will also not provide IBC incorporations for clients who purport to raise funds from general public while avoiding to be licensed and regulated as investment managers, or in any other way attempt to bypass the legal licensing requirements in regulated areas like investment management, securities trading, insurance and banking. We will not provide our services to companies trading in weapons, ammunition or military technology, nor to any companies providing adult services. We will not register political and social organizations, non-profit organizations and charities. We will also not register offshore companies for Politically Exposed Persons, i.e. individuals, who are members of any state or municipal governments of any country or who are high-ranking government officers.
In general, we may refuse the provision of any offshore services, at any time, if it appears that our client has not been truthful with us. If the client has intentionally and grossly misinformed us on his intended area of business, and if this business appears to be compromising on legality, we will resign immediately.